The operation of a sump pump is straightforward : 1. **Water collection:** Water seeps into your basement or crawlspace through the foundation walls or floor. .2. **Level detection:** As the water level rises in the sump basin , it lifts a float attached to a switch.3. **Pump activation:** When the water level reaches a certain point, the float switch activates, turning on the sump pump's motor. .4. **Water removal:** The impeller draws water and expels it.5. **Water discharge:** The discharge pipe carries the water away from your home's foundation, usually to a designated drainage area like a dry well, storm drain, or a safe distance from your property. .6. **Pump deactivation:** Once the water level in the sump basin drops below a certain level, the float switch deactivates, turning off the pump.This automatic process ensures that excess water is effectively removed from your basement, preventing flooding and protecting your home from water damage. .